St. Marys Invitational Entry Information & Team List

Good Afternoon,

Just sending a message out letting you all know that we are going to use Athletic.Net to do our entries for our meet this spring. I am sending out a message early so that all teams have time to claim their teams and get familiar with the site. We are going this route since this is what all teams will be using for regional and state entries. Also, moving forward it should assist in accurate time performances being submitted as the season continues as it saves athletes times automatically when uploaded from meets. If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me.

We will also be placing 8 like we did last year since this trend will continue at conference, regional, and state meets.

Participating teams: St. Marys, Tyler, Valley, Magnolia, Wirt, Wheeling Central, Parkersburg South, Oak Glen, Ritchie County, Wood County Christian, Richwood, Roane County, Ravenswood, Doddridge County, Philip Barbour, and Braxton County.


Steven Nutter (Boys Coach)
Dave Davis (Girls Coach)