107 Ritchie County School Road

                                                                                                                     Ellenboro, WV 26346

                                                                                                                Telephone 304-869-3526

To: West Virginia Track and Field Coaches


From: Rick Haught, Boys Track Coach        

                   (E-mail) Rhaught@k12.wv.us    

                        (cell)    304-679-9899



Date: Jan. 10, 2024


Subject: Ritchie County High School Track Invitational and Small meet info at bottom of page



            We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the annual Ritchie County Track Invitational On Friday, April 12th. The two-session meet will begin at 4:00 pm.


            Individual winners will be awarded medals, while ribbons will be given to 2nd- 8th place finishers. Trophies for 1st and 2nd place teams, along with high point individual trophies for each division will be awarded. Entry fees for the invitational will be $50 per team or $100.00 for two teams/per school.


            New to Ritchie County this track season is an 8 lane polyurethane surface surrounding a turf football field.


We hope you will be able to participate in this year’s Invitational. We are planning to limit this to a maximum of a 14-team meet, so please return your interest reply soon through the above e-mail or text.  Thank you for your interest and good luck this season. 


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Ritchie County High School is also hosting a small, one session meet on Tuesday, March 19th.  Will limit participation to 6 teams.  No entry fees.  Those schools interested should contact Coach Haught at rhaught@k12.wv.us or 304-679-9899