2024 Regional Track Manual
All regionals and the state meet will utilize Hy-Tek. The latest version of Hy-Tek is 6.0 Hh as of 4-21-24. If you are not using this version, you can update your Hy-Tek by clicking on the Check For Updates on the toolbar top of screen and following directions.
Every regional is to use the files that I am sending you. Please do not change any event numbers or school names or numbers.
NO EXCEPTIONS – if you do not use this file you will probably not host a future regional track meet. If you are hosting more than one regional make sure you use the file for each class that is being provided.
Every regional must have at least one hand timer/finish judge on the finish line. Preferably you should have at least two individuals, one who is writing down the order of finish especially in the non-lane races. This will certainly help you if you end up with a questionable time as a result.
Every regional must post the results as soon as they are printed and announced so that coaches can have the opportunity to see and review the times and see the order of finish. Please remember that the State Track Games Committee requires that all finishers in each race should receive a published time unless the athlete is disqualified.
Upload your meet results to Athletic.net ASAP after the meet.
Please email Richard Messenger a backup of the regional track meet as soon as possible after the conclusion of the meet.
As soon as I receive the backup files from all four regionals, I will email them to RunWV. So the sooner that I receive the backups, the sooner they will be posted on RunWV. You may give the press results of the meet as well the schools but please ask them to not post the results until we have reviewed them and make them official for release. Live Results are permitted during the regionals.
All regionals have been set up on Athletic.net. If you have questions please let me know.
All entries will be done utilizing Athletic.net. Please make sure that all of your meets have been uploaded to Athletic.net. Your seed marks will be based on your athlete’s best mark of the season in each event. If an athlete has not participated in an event he/she will have a mark of NT/ND/NH and will be placed in the slower section or the worst flight of an event.
Performance Lists:
Please have a performance list with all entries available for the coaches when they arrive on site. This gives coaches the opportunity to review and make scratches prior to the start of competition. Do not seed the meet until the conclusion of the scratch period.
Remember coaches can scratch and replace but they cannot add athletes on meet day.
Relay Teams:
Please encourage coaches to list six athletes on their relay cards with the top four being the athletes who are competing in the regional. The last two would be alternates for the State Meet.
Each school needs to have a roster posted on the WVSSAC website. Only those athletes listed on the eligibility sheet (Roster) are eligible to participate in the Regional Track Meet.
If a schools track roster is not online by May 2nd, please email Mr. Comer at the office, with a list of those schools not updated and ask him for his assistance.
Please set the camera to ten-thousandths. This will assist us in breaking ties if necessary.
State Track Meet Games Committee Report:
There is a copy of the report included in this packet of materials. It is also posted on the WVSSAC website. You might want to provide a copy of the document in the Coaches Packets to give them another opportunity to see it.
Please use the Field Series process for all field events. This includes the vertical jumps. If you have questions, I will show how to do it now.
Please remind your field event officials that we require the use of red and white flags in all field events and do NOT use verbal signals.
Remember that during the 2024 Track season, placing fourth in the Regional Track Meet does not automatically qualify an individual or a relay team to the State Track Meet unless you are in the vertical jumps.
In the running events, only the top 3 places in each regional are automatic qualifiers plus the next four fastest times from the regionals will make up the 13-16 qualifying spots for the State Meet.
The State Track Meet Games Committee has been assigned the task of determining the procedure to be used in case of ties.
All Regional Track Meets must use Hy-Tek and FinishLynx. All running events must have pictures submitted or they will be classified as Hand Timed events and adjusted according the 2024 NFHS Track Rules Book.
According to Rule 3-9-8—Electric or digital timers which measure one one-hundredth of a second must be used. However, unless it is a fully automatic system, times registered in one one-hundredth of a second shall be rounded up to the next tenth of a second. If FAT and manual times must be integrated, the hand held times shall first be rounded up to the slower one-tenth of a second. Then a conversion factor of .24 must be added.
Each regional director/computer operator is to make sure that the complete picture file of the meet is submitted to Richard Messenger via email by 9:00 AM on the day following his or her meet. His email address is: rmessenger32@gmail.com
In the event of a computer malfunction and timing system does not start; the event should be immediately recalled and restarted after resetting the timing system.
In field events which involve distance, each legal throw or jump shall be measured.
In the Shot, Discus and Long Jump the top three from each qualify for the state meet plus the next four best distances. Each regional will use the field series to enter all of these events.
In the High Jump and Pole Vault, the top 4 places qualify for the State Meet plus any one else who meets the Qualifying Standards published by the WVSSAC in the 2024 February edition of the Interscholastic. If there is a tie for 4th place and the individuals do not meet the qualifying standard, the tie must be broken. The tie breaking procedure used for first place shall be used:
For events determined by height: The competitors tying
shall make one more attempt at the height at which they
failed. If no decision is reached the bar shall be lowered in
increments of 1 inch in the high jump and 3 inches in the
pole vault. If two or more of the tying contestants clear a
height while lowering the bar, the bar will be raised by 1
inch in the high jump and 3 inches in the pole vault. Each
competitor shall attempt one trial at each height until a
qualifier is determined.
The qualifying marks are included in the program for the field events.
Please print those marks on the field event sheets so that the athletes will be informed at the event as well as when the results are announced.
To print the Qualifying Mark on the Field Event sheet, you go to Reports, then click on Field Event Score Sheets, near the bottom of the page, there is a section labeled Include In Field Score Sheets, make sure you check Mark Standards.
Some common issues:
There must always be at least two competitors or relay teams in a heat or section for it to be a competition.
High Jump and Pole Vault must start at least at the minimum opening heights recommended by the State Track Games Committee. Opening heights may be higher.
Coaches may substitute athletes on the day of the regional but they may NOT add athletes.
Not starting the computer or not capturing pictures.
Regional Meet Directors and/or Computer Operators:
A couple of reminders:
1. All entries are to be provided to you utilizing Athletic.Net
2. Make sure that you have rosters for each team in your regional.
3. Please forward me a separate backup file of your regional ASAP after the meet.
4. Please post your picture file by 9:00 AM the morning after the meet.
5. Please use at least the opening heights in the vertical jumps.
6. Please use Field Series for all Field Events.
7. Please provide a time for all entries finishing a running event.
1) Create Google account. 2) Sign into account. 3) If you have to download Google drive, do so. 4) Click on the create button and designate the Region and Class to a folder. 5) Click on the file you created and then click on the up arrow and then find the file that has the information. 6) After you have found the file, click on one of the files and then do a CTRL A and then click on open. 7) Then click on the down arrow on the file name and then share.
Enter the following email into the invite people box: rmessenger32@gmail.com Then click the send button.