I'm going to put this out there again. Maybe one of these years, coaches will actually listen.

And before I do, if you are a school that doesn't use Team Manager often (or at all) until the Regional, take the time to figure out the program before the Regional. Don't wait until the entry deadline is upon you. You know well in advance that this entry method is required.


Coaches, please set your Hy-Tek Team Manager up so that it meets the guidelines set forth by the WVSSAC.

TEAM CODE: Use your WVSSAC numberic code - 0065

TEAM NAME: Use your full schoon name - Lewis County HS

SHORT NAME: Use shortened school name - Lewis County

ALT ABBR: Use Mascot or other Shortened Name - LCHS or Minutemen

For athletes, please use the numerical grade levels 9, 10, 11, and 12.

That is straight from the WVSSAC 2021-2022 Coaches' Packet.

My additions:
Make sure you've updated the grade levels from last year.
Make sure you've spelled names correctly.
Make sure you used the athletes given name rather than a nickname. (Per the WSSAC)

There are reasons for this. If you use something like HHS for the Short Name, a tri-meet between Huntington, Hurricane, and Hampshire would result in every result just saying HHS. If you use Patriots, a tri-meet between Wheeling Park, Parkersburg south, and George Washington would result in every result saying Patriots.