Correct Hy-Tek Team Manager Setup – You must adjust your Hy-Tek settings to match this for your entries to import correctly into the Regional Files that the WVSSAC has provided.


School Name                      ABBR                     Short Name

Clay-Battelle HS                 0022                     Clay-Battelle

Doddridge County HS     0026                     Doddridge Co.

East Hardy HS                    0031                     East Hardy

Moorefield HS                   0081                     Moorefield

Notre Dame HS                 0090                     Notre Dame

Paw Paw HS                        0099                     Paw Paw

Pendleton County HS      0037                     Pendleton Co.

Petersburg HS                    0100                     Petersburg

South Harrison HS            0123                     South Harrison

Trinity Christian HS          0416                     Trinity

Tucker County HS             0127                     Tucker Co.

Tygarts Valley HS               0129                     Tygarts Valley

Union HS                              0131                     Union (G)