Date: Saturday, April 1st, 2023


Time:  Coaches Meeting at 9:00 A.M. Field events (Boys’ Pole Vault, Long Jump, Discus; Girls’ High Jump, Shot Put) will begin at 9:15 A.M. Running events will start around 10:15 A.M.


Awards: Medals for places 1-6 in individual races and the top 3 relay teams in each race. High Point Girl and Boy Trophy. 1st and 2nd place Team Trophies.


Entry Fee: $50.00 per team ($100.00 total for boys and girls) Make checks payable to DCMS Athletics.


Entry Deadline:  Hy-Tek entries need to be e-mailed to by Wednesday, March 29th. The event file that is needed will be posted on Please only use the meet file provided.  If you are unfamiliar with Hy-Tek, you can find help at the RunWV site: If you haven’t had a meet yet, please use reasonable estimates when entering your athletes. (Not last year’s PR’s, but what is likely now.) All entries must have a time/distance/height entered.


Entries: A team may enter up to 2 athletes in each field event and up to 2 athletes in each running event.  You can enter 1 relay teams per school for each relay event.


Scratches: Please email your scratches and replacements by noon Friday, March 31st, 2023 to  Last minute scratches and replacements will also be accepted until 8:30 A.M. at the meet, however, please make every effort to have all scratches and replacements in by noon Friday, March 31st, 2023. No additions will be made at the field events. All additions have to be turned in at the tower by 8:30 A.M. the day of the meet.


Miscellaneous:  This will be a 2 session meet and follow MS 2 session meet schedule. Starting blocks will be provided.  We will have 8 sets of blocks at each starting line. We hope that you will use our starting blocks, but if you bring your own, you will be responsible for carrying them from event to event.  The longest spikes allowed on our track are ¼ inch.  Participants in the throws and long jump will get 3 attempts.  The top 7 in these events will go on to the finals and get 3 more attempts.