PCMS Minutemen Classic

Pleasants County Middle School will be hosting a single session middle school meet on May 7, 2022.  The first 8 schools to commit will be accepted and will then be sent additional meet information.

When:                        Saturday, May 7, 2022

Where:                       St. Marys High School @ 11:00 am   

Entry Fee:                  $75 per team or $100 for boys and girls from the same school. $10 Fee for additional B teams (Example:  If you bring only a “B” boys team then the additional fee is $10.  If you bring both a “B” boys and girls team, then the fee is $20.  If you bring both a “B” boys and girls team and a boys “C” team, then the fee is $30.)   

Entries: All entries MUST be submitted via Hytek Team Manager.  Only 3 entries will score; additional event entries are permitted but must be marked exhibition.  B relays are permitted but will not score.

Awards: 1st-6th place in each event will receive Ribbons. 1st place teams and High Point Award(M and F) will receive plaques.

Contact Coach Emily Gray at  emilyegray95@gmail.com  or 304-299-3285