The WVU Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Science is hosting a talk tomorrow on long-term athlete development (LTAD)

Developing WV Athletes:  A Statewide Community Discussion
Thursday, May 14th from 3-4 pm.  


In a follow up to the May 7th Town Hall meeting, this event will guide and encourage community-focused discussion on how WV youth and scholastic sports continue to grow and support our athletes.  National Long Term Athletic Development champions Rick Howard, Joe Eisenmann, and Anthony Moreno, who have helped communities and organizations across the country explore how an LTAD approach can enrich youth sports will lead an interactive virtual conversation. The panel will be breaking out into smaller groups to facilitate more discussion.



The final event in the spring series will be on Thursday, May 21st from 3-4 pm and will focus on Returning to Play in WV

Registration URL:  
This Town Hall will bring together a panel of sports science, sport and exercise psychology, coaching science, and medical experts to discuss what best practices in return to play might look like this summer and fall.  What can coaches, parents, and players expect?  What does a safe return look like?  How do we create safe and healthy experiences for youth and scholastic sports athletes in WV?  Bring your questions and concerns to an open discussion with experts from the sports medicine and sport science fields.