This is the home of the state's top performances. The rankings should be updated on approximately a weekly basis starting the second week of April. The current rankings are based on meets that were held through regionals. If you have a performance that is not listed, it is most likely because we did not receive results for that meet or that the meet did not fall within the time limits described above.

Best Performances Through The State Meet

of the
 Top Performances of '02
Field Events
100m - 400m
800m - 3200m

The editors of RunWV update this section every week or so. Meet results we obtain do not immediately get compiled into the Best Performances list right away. Please check the date at the top of the page before questioning why your performance was not included.

Any results you send that could help us complete past meets is greatly appreciated. Of course, if we don't have the meet, go ahead and send it! We can handle email, faxes (304-873-3445), and even the US Postal Service!

Also, bear in mind that these results have a direct effect on the Power Rankings -- we calculate everything according to the standard rules of track and field based on the top six performers in the state. So if you really want to know who is the best, the more information we have the better we are able to tell you.