DATES & LOCATIONS:                                                              TIME:


July 12     Williamstown High School                                                                  5:30--check-in and registration

July 19     Parkersburg South High School—Erickson Complex                                   6:00--events begin     

July 26   Parkersburg High School                                                      -----------------------------------------------

Aug  2   Marietta High School—Don Drumm Field, Marietta, Ohio               Each meet will follow a

                                                                                                                        rolling schedule, with girls

(Flats or track shoes with ¼” or less spikes may be used.)                           going before boys and

youngest age groups first.



                                                                                                            Come ready to run—rain or shine!


----------------------------------------------------AGE YOU TURN IN 2001--------------------------------------------------


LIMIT:  Ages 4-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 --  Only three events, including the relay


Age groups may be combined to keep on schedule.  Awards will be given 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each age group.


4-6                           7-8                           9-10                                                         11-12


50m Dash                50m Dash       100m Dash       4x100m Relay      100m Dash       High Jump

100m Dash                100m Dash       200m Dash       4x400m Relay      200m Dash       Running Long Jump

200m Dash                200m Dash       400m Dash       High Jump       400m Run         Shot Put (6 lb)

400m Dash                400m Dash       800m Run                                         800m Run         Discus (1K)

                                800m Run         1600m Run                                         1600m Run         4x100m Relay

                                                                Running Long Jump                            3200m Run         4x400m Relay     




13-14                                                                                       15-16   and   17-18, OPEN, SUB-MASTER, MASTER,

                                                                                                MASTER/MASTER & GRAND MASTER



100m Dash                             High Jump                                       100m Dash                       4x100 Relay

200m Dash                             Shot Put (G-6 lb) (B-4K)                      200m Dash                       4x400 Relay

400m Dash                             Discus (1K)                                        400m Dash                       Running Long Jump

800m Run                               4x100 Relay                                      800m Dash                       Discus (G-1K) (B-1.6K)

1600m Run                             4x400 Relay                                      1600m Run                         Shot Put (G-4K) (B-12 lb)

3200m Run                                                                                             3200m Run

Running Long Jump                                                                       High Jump




Entry Fees for Each Meet:                                            *Make Check Payable To:


$2.00 for individual event                                                   Mid Ohio Valley Invitational

$5.00 for three or more events                                          c/o On the Run

                                                                                                3207 ½ Emerson Avenue

$2.00 spectators                                                                   Parkersburg, West Virginia 26104


*Designate which meet you’re entering.