Hurricane High School has announced that it will host the following meets in the 2002 Track Season.

3/28	Hurricane Middle School Invitational		 4:30
4/2	Hurricane Freshman Invitational			 4:30
4/9	Hurricane Junior Varsity Invitational		 4:30
4/23	Hurricane High Girls Invitational		 4:30
4/30	Hurricane High Boys Invitational		 4:30
5/4	Hurricane High Middle School Invitational	10:00	*

Hurricane would like the 5/4 Middle School Meet to be a State-wide event. The meet will score 8 places deep. Trophies will be awarded to the top 4 in each event, with ribbons being awarded to places 5 through 8. They hope for this meet to be the largest middle school meet in the state.

Anyone interested in attending any of these meets may contact Coach Steve Caldwell at Hurricane Middle School (304)562-9271, or e-mail him at