Dear Coaches,


Braxton County Athletics would like to extend an invitation to your Middle and High School Cross Country Teams to participate in the 2025 NO EXCUSES Braxton Invitational.  The meet will be held on Saturday, September 13th at Holly Gray Park located in Flatwoods/Sutton, WV.


Race Times:         7:00 am Course Opens (JV and Varsity run together, top 7 counts for team placing)

(Approximate starting times)           

9:00 am Middle School Girls

9:30 am Middle School Boys

10:10 am Middle School Team Awards

                FREE     10:20 am KIDS SHORT FUN RUN 5th grade and below.   

                                10:30 am High School Girls.

                                11:15 am High School Boys or as soon as the last girl finishes.

11:45 am or shortly after last Runner - High School Team Awards


Entry Fees:          $60 per team / $100 per school for a Boys and Girls team; $10 per individual athlete

There will be a spectator fee.


HIGH SCHOOL                                                     MIDDLE SCHOOL

Checks                   BCHS – Cross Country                                   BCMS—Cross Country

Payable to:           200 Jerry Burton Dr,                                           100 Carter Braxton Dr.

                                Sutton, WV 26601                                              Sutton, WV 26601


Entries:                 Please register through Racetimeentry.com

Entry Fee and Entries must be received by 9pm, Wednesday, September 11th.  


Awards:                                Top 15 Individual Awards will be handed out at the finish line.

Team Award for Champion and Runner-up for each race.


Course:                 Challenging course with rolling hills and woods.  IT WILL BE WELL MARKED! 


Misc:                      Concessions and Invitational t-shirts will be available.

                                Admission is $5 per person

Plenty of picnic areas for families, 2 fishing ponds for catch/release, and a playground for                children.


Directions:           The course is located at Holly Gray Park

From I-79 South or North Take Exit # 67. 

                                Head to Days Hotel

                                                *Turn onto US-19

                                                *At stop light, turn right onto WV-4 S

                                                *Turn left on Days Dr. located straight across from Subway

                                                *Turn Right on WV-15 W

                                Holly Gray’s entrance will be .4 miles after turning right on WV-15 W. Entrance Sign is slightly hidden.

                                **Bus & Spectator Parking will be organized for safety of all runners and drivers:


If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at robert.lloyd@k12.wv.us  

Thank you and I hope to see you on September 13, 2025.

Coach Robert Lloyd BCHS Cross Country