Meet:  		Class AAA Girls State Meet Predictions
Location:	Cabell Midland High School
Date:		To be held October 28, 2023

Predicted Class AAA Girls Team Results
While not as much of a blowout as on the boys' side, there isn't expected to be much drama here either. Morgantown is again the overwhelming favorite, coming in at 35 points and 4 individuals on the podium. It's not impossible for University to catch them, but it will take a combination of a magnificent performance from University and a bit of a letdown from Morgantown. I have those two teams well clear of the field. I show a 3-way battle for the 3rd spot with Cabell Midland having the edge voer Preston and Parkersburg for the spot.
1.  Morgantown           35
2.  University           69
3.  Cabell Midland      111
4.  Preston             120
5.  Parkersburg         132
6.  Hurricane           153
7.  St. Albans          214
8.  Jefferson           237
9.  Woodrow Wilson      239
10. Greenbrier East     244
11. Hampshire           263
12. Spring Mills        308

Predicted Class AAA Girls Top 25
The individual race is where things get pretty wide open. #1 ranked Samantha Shreve was hindered by a calf-injury at the Regional and did not advance. Full disclosure - depending on how the regional shook out, I was going to slot her into the 2nd spot. I've placed Madeline Gump into the top spot. Heading into October, I was pretty locked into that. October has shaken things up a bit as she only got 5th at the OVAC and then got taken down at the Regional as well. Still, I look at what she has done over the course of the season, and I think she's the most likely to be able to distance herself from the field. Abigail Rogers is in the 2nd spot. She was the only one able to go with Gump at the Regional, and then ran her down to take the win and was also one of the ones to beat her at the OVAC. Normally, two in a row is enough for me to lean the other direction, but I'm going with my gut on this one. Ella Hardin is placed into the 3rd position. She's the 2nd ranked one in the field and had what was statistically the top Regional performance in the field. Adelyn Tager gets moved up into the 4th position. The rankings say otherwise, but they're reflective of her mid-season injury that saw her lose 100 points in 2 races (25 each race, triggering an additional 50 point loss via the breakdown provision). She had beaten Rogers in the two meets prior to the injury and is on the upswing now that she's returned. She was 3rd in the very strong Region I race. Zoe Zervos is dropped into the 5th position. To make things nice and complicated, she's the one who won the OVAC race over Gump and Rogers (and everyone else). Sophie Renner is in the 6th spot. She had a very good run at the OVAC, where she beat Gump, but not such a great one at the Regional, where she was beaten by 3 that I have placed behind her. I have Jennifer O'Palko in the 7th spot. She's been pretty solid all season. She was beaten soundly by Renner at the OVAC and then returned the favor at the Regional. Neena McClintic is our first wildcard. From September 2nd until the Regional, she did not race another top-end runner from inside the State. Fortunately, she did find some strong out-of-state competition and fared well. In that September 2nd race, she was well behind the top group, but that was before she really broke out. Maraid Johnson gets moveup up into the 9th spot based on that strong Regional run. Hannah Phillips is the pick for the 10th spot. The only time she's been up against any of the group ahead of her was at the Knight Night Relays. That's only a mile and a half and was in August. The relevance of any of that is limited. Still, she was faster there than Tager, O'Palko, and Johnson.

The predicted top 25 are as follows. If you want to know where you are picked, just send me an e-mail, and I'll tell you.

Place	Score	Name			Year	School
1	1	Gump, Madeline		12	Morgantown
2	2	Rogers, Abigail		9	University
3	3	Hardin, Ella		11	Hurricane
4	4	Tager, Adelyn		11	University
5	X	Zervos, Zoe		9	John Marshall
6	5	Renner, Sophie		11	Morgantown
7	6	O'Palko, Jennifer	12	Morgantown
8	7	McClintic, Neena	9	Greenbrier East
9	8	Johnson, Maraid		11	Morgantown
10	9	Phillips, Hannah	11	Jefferson
11	X	Johnson, Laurel		9	Huntington
12	10	von Boetticher, Claire	11	University
13	11	Menear, Ramsee		9	Hurricane
14	X	Yates, Sadie		9	Musselman
15	12	Coakley, Emma		10	Cabell Midland
16	13	Torman, Abigail		10	St. Albans    
17	X	Hosaflook, Ellie	12	Ripley     
18	14	Simmons, Hallie		11	Preston     
19	15	Hawkins, Allison	9	Morgantown
20	16	Hawkins, Lauren		9	Morgantown
21	17	Bell, Sophia		11	University
22	18	Nichols, Bailey		10	Hampshire
23	19	Myers, Delilah		10	Preston     
24	20	Hazelett, Quinn 	11	Cabell Midland
25	21	White, Ella		12	Preston