Meet:  		Class AAA Boys State Meet Predictions
Location:	Cabell Midland High School
Date:		To be held October 28, 2023

Predicted Class AAA Boys Team Results
There shouldn't be much drama in the tema competition. University has been dominant all season long, and there is no reason to believe that won't continue on Saturday. I have them putting 4 guys on the podium. The battle for the other team podium spot will be interesting. I think there are 5 teams in play for that spot. I have Hurricane edging out Cabell Midland by 7 points for the position. Morgantown, Jefferson, and Wheeling Park can be in the mix with good days.
1.  University           42
2.  Hurricane           101
3.  Cabell Midland      108
4.  Morgantown          114
5.  Jefferson           128
6.  Wheeling Park       130
7.  Parkersburg         165
8.  George Washington   208
9.  Woodrow Wilson      229
10. Hampshire           262
11. Riverside           305
12. Washington          335

Predicted Class AAA Boys Top 25
Ty Steorts is the heavy favorite to repeat as champion. Teammate Aaron Kidd is the favorite for the 2nd spot. I have Aiden Kneeland in the 3rd position. I have Drew Zundell in the 4th spot. After missing a couple meets, he's been coming back to his usual self. I don't think it would be unreasonable at all to think he could crack the top 3. I put Tristan Blatt in the 5th spot. He runs this course well and typically performs well when it matters. I gave Tyler Umbright the 6th spot over teammate Jacob West. West has the higher ranking, but Umbright has won the last two races, albeit by less than 3 seconds both times. I have West in the 7th spot. Seth Franke gets the nod for 8th after showing at the OVAC and Regional that he can run with the University crew. Ethan Conroy is slotted in the 9th position. He's split the two recent meetings with Franke, but Franke got the edge in the Regional battle, so he gets the higher pick. I have Conner Myers in the 10th spot. He hasn't squared off with any of the other big dogs since the Spike Shoe on September 8th, where he knocked off Umbright, West, and Conroy, so moving up several spots would not be out of the question.

The predicted top 25 is as follows. If you want to know where you are picked, just send me an e-mail, and I'll tell you.

Pick	Score	Name	 		Year	School
1	1	Steorts, Ty		11	Hurricane
2	2	Kidd, Aaron		12	Hurricane
3	3	Kneeland, Aiden		11	Cabell Midland
4	4	Zundell, Drew		12	University
5	5	Blatt, Tristan		12	Cabell Midland
6	6	Umbright, Tyler		11	University
7	7	West, Jacob		12	University
8	8	Franke, Seth		12	Wheeling Park
9	9	Conroy, Ethan		10	University
10	10	Myers, Conner		11	Jefferson
11	X	Zorick, Troy		10	Bridgeport
12	X	Bowen, Andrew		12	Huntington
13	11	Moore, Redick		11	Wheeling Park
14	12	Canaday, Brandon	12	Woodrow Wilson
15	13	Thompson, Owen		12	Jefferson
16	X	Dodson, Sam		12	Bridgeport
17	14	Lewis, Mason		11	Hurricane
18	15	Mudry, Quinn		12	Morgantown
19	16	Overfield, Jack		11	University
20	17	Carlton, Andrew		11	Morgantown
21	18	Mills, Jack		12	Parkersburg
22	19	George, Connor		10	Parkersburg
23	20	Whorton, Gavin		11	University
24	21	Hudnall, Skylar		12	Riverside
25	22	Dial, Dylan		10	Cabell Midland