Hosted by Ravenswood Middle School


The Ravenswood Middle School Cross Country Team will be hosting the 2023 MS LKC Championships.


Date:  October 5, 2023


Location:  Ravenswood Grade School (1 Grade School Road for GPS)


Race Time:      5:15 p.m. – Boys Race


                        5:45 p.m. – Girls Race


                        6:30 p.m. – Awards on the softball field

                                    (1st team All LKC 1-12, 2nd team All LKC 13-24)


Course:  3000 meter course, open field and woodland trail with 2 challenging hill climbs.


Entries:  www.racetimeentry.com


Deadline:  All entries and rosters must be received by Monday October 2, 2023


Questions:  Contact Bryan Schirmer 304-273-8148   Head Coach

                                   Ben Nesselroad 304-531-3620 assistant high school coach

                                     Email:  ben.nesselroad@gmail.com

                                    Chris Hupp 304-273-5391 athletic director middle school


Concessions will be available

Tshirts will be sold as well


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Do not plan to arrive before 3:45 due to traffic and congestion of the grade school letting out