Doddridge Invitational Team List

Below is the current list of teams for the Doddridge Invitational. If you plan to attend but are not on this list, please register on RaceTimeEntry as soon as possible and notify Josh Weekley at

High School		Boys	Girls
Braxton			5	10
Clay-Battelle		5	4
Doddridge		8	8
East Fairmont		10	6
Gilmer			1	5
Heritage Christian	4	0
Liberty Harrison	11	2
Lincoln			12	5
Notre Dame		4	1
Preston			6	8
Ritchie			12	6
Roane			3	2
Robert C. Byrd		4	5
St. Marys		11	10
South Harrison		8	7
Tyler Consolidated	6	3
Wood Co Christian	4	2
			114	84

Middle School		Boys	Girls
Aurora			2	5
Braxton			12	6
Bridgeport		20	17
Doddridge		8	2
East Fairmont		15	13
Heritage Christian	10	3
Lincoln			7	5
Mountaineer		11	3
Notre Dame		3	1
Pleasants		3	5
Ritchie			7	13
Taylor			13	6
Tyler Consolidated	7	10
Wirt			5	7
			123	96