Liberty Raleigh Inv
                         Surveyor, WV    10/09/21
              Results by The TSR Timing Group -
                  All Results posted at


Performer of the Meet:
Luella Mansheim - Greenbrier East

                   ***** HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS RESULTS *****

Place TmPl No.  Name               Gr School                    Time      Pace     
===== ==== ==== ================== == =================================== ===== 
    1    1 2533 Abigail Londeree   11 Greenbrier East High        22:06.7  7:07 
    2    2 2536 Emma Toler         10 Greenbrier East High        22:15.9  7:10 
    3    3 2528 Abby Dixon         10 Greenbrier East High        23:11.3  7:28 
    4    4 2983 Colleen Lookabill  11 Wyoming East High           23:27.6  7:34 
    5    5 2534 Luella Mansheim     9 Greenbrier East High        24:00.0  7:44 
    6      2549 Chloe Honaker      12 Independence High           26:41.3  8:36 
    7      2958 Carleigh Lewis      9 Teays Valley Christian      26:51.2  8:39 
    8      2522 Alaina Moles       10 Elk Valley Christian Scho   27:03.7  8:43 
    9    6 2980 Brianna Cook       12 Wyoming East High           27:12.5  8:46 
   10    7 2984 Amy Vest           12 Wyoming East High           28:06.7  9:03 
   11    8 2982 Sara Harris        10 Wyoming East High           28:44.3  9:15 
   12      2948 Riley Vereen        9 Sherman High                29:40.8  9:34 
   13    9 2979 Raylee Adkins      10 Wyoming East High           29:56.2  9:39 
   14      2693 Juliana Whited      9 Bluefield High School       31:03.3 10:00 
   15      2547 Bella Green         9 Independence High           32:40.5 10:32 
   16   10 2981 Katelyn Green      12 Wyoming East High           33:27.3 10:47 
   17   11 2531 Isabella Harrison   9 Greenbrier East High        38:25.9 12:23 

           *********** HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS TEAM RESULTS **********

  1.    22  Greenbrier East High      (  26:01  2:10:01  16:19)
  1      1  Abigail Londeree                              11   22:07
  2      2  Emma Toler                                    10   22:16
  3      3  Abby Dixon                                    10   23:12
  4      5  Luella Mansheim                                9   24:00
  5     11  Isabella Harrison                              9   38:26

  2.    34  Wyoming East High         (  27:30  2:17:30   6:29)
  1      4  Colleen Lookabill                             11   23:28
  2      6  Brianna Cook                                  12   27:13
  3      7  Amy Vest                                      12   28:07
  4      8  Sara Harris                                   10   28:45
  5      9  Raylee Adkins                                 10   29:57
  6   ( 10) Katelyn Green                                 12   33:28

Incomplete Teams:

Independence High        
         Chloe Honaker 12, Bella Green  9

Teays Valley Christian   
         Carleigh Lewis  9

Elk Valley Christian Scho
         Alaina Moles 10

Sherman High             
         Riley Vereen  9

Bluefield High School    
         Juliana Whited  9