Meet:  		AAA Boys State Meet Predictions
Location:	Cabell Midland High School
Date:		To be held October 31, 2015

Predicted AAA Boys Team Results
I hope the rest of the divisions aren't as difficult as this one. As always, I've slotted everyone that I think will be running. Yes, that means, I made some assumptions about possible changes from Regional lineups to State lineups. If those changes aren't made, the scores could be quite different. Cabell Midland has exceptional depth. Their # 7 runner finished 13th last year. It's not out of the question that they could put 6 in the top 10, and possibly 6 in front of University's # 3. Of course, it's also possible that University could put 4 in before Cabell Midland's # 2. Ultimately, University will need a stellar performance from their # 5 to take the win. Or Cabell Midland's crew will need to drop 5-7 places each. I have Midland taking the win by 24. No one else is really very close to these two. Morgantown looks like a really solid 3rd place. Things get a lot more interesting after that.
1.  Cabell Midland       35
2.  University           60
3.  Morgantown          103
4.  Parkersburg         145
5.  Winfield            160
6.  Woodrow Wilson      187
7.  Jefferson           191
8.  Hurricane           206
9.  George Washington   222
10. Musselman           246
11. Riverside           252
12. Elkins              300
13. Hampshire           310

Predicted Boys AAA Top 25
Seth Edwards is pretty clearly the favorite. The battle for 2nd should be quite interesting. I went with Alex Minor for 2nd given his two recent wins over Connor Riley. Riley did beat Minor at the OVAC Championships and has historically ran exceptionally well at the State Meet. Sheils hasn't ran against either one of them, but he hasn't been beaten by an in-state runner all season, finishing as the top dog for Midland in each meet. I feel pretty good about the first four, though the order is certainly in question. After can put the names from just about everyone in the top 20 and draw them out randomly. As it was, I went with Josh Minor for 5th and Nick Salmons for 6th. I moved Geandre Jones up to 7th based on his late season emergence and this course somewhat favoring the "speed" guys. I put Jonathan Sandy in 8th and Jonathan Hathaway in 9th. Cabell Midland, outside of Sheils, has no distinct pecking order, with 4 different guys finishing as their # 2 at some point during the season. I moved Philip White into the 10th spot. It's really very wide open for those last 6 spots. It will be a lot of fun to watch.

The predicted top 25 is as follows. If you want to know where you are picked, just send me an e-mail, and I'll tell you.

Pick	Score	Name	 		Year	School
1	1	Edwards, Seth		12	University
2	2	Minor, Alex		12	University
3	3	Riley, Connor		12	Morgantown
4	4	Sheils, Will		12	Cabell Midland
5	5	Minor, Josh		10	Cabell Midland
6	6	Salmons, Nick		12	Cabell Midland
7	7	Jones, Geandre		11	University
8	8	Sandy, Jonathan		12	Geo. Washington
9	9	Hathaway, Jonathan	11	Cabell Midland
10	10	White, Phillip		10	University
11	X	Beavers, Daniel		12	Hedgesville
12	11	Jordan, Austin		11	Cabell Midland
13	12	Parlock, Jeremiah	12	Cabell Midland
14	13	Withrow, Aaron		9	Winfield
15	X	Greear, Josh		11	So. Charleston
16	X	Thomas, Samuel		11	Capital     
17	14	Weiford, R.J.		12	Winfield
18	15	Burakis, Jacob		9	Geo. Washington
19	16	Smith, Coy		11	Cabell Midland
20	17	Kennedy, Nick		12	Riverside   
21	18	Lemaster, Will		10	Parkersburg
22	X	Thorn, Clay		12	John Marshall
23	19	Gullion, John		11	Morgantown
24	20	Cuff, Vitaly		11	Morgantown
25	X	Fisher, Dalton		11	Ripley