RaceTimeEntry Changes


We are in the process of changing two things on RaceTimeEntry to make it even better for coaches.

1. Add email tab so Meet Directors can send bulk emails to teams competing in their meets.

2. Deleting the 2014 schedule that appears on your schedule when you open it. Some teams entered through the 2014 instead of clicking on the +add meets to schedule in order to get you to all the 2015 meets. I clicked the remove button beside the 2014 meets on my schedule at the beginning of the year so they no longer appear on my schedule. I highly suggest you do the same thing so that mistake won;t be made in the future.

You definitely want to make sure you go to the 2015 meets for your Regional meet. Region 2 AA-A has their meet already on the schedule and ALL the other Regions will eventually be onsite for you to enter your Regional meet. Make sure that you only enter 10 athletes for the Region meet with only 7 competing.