Information for the High School race 9/29 at White Day Golf Course.

The girls’ race will begin at 5:00, followed by boys’ varsity . Concessions will be available at the club house as well as a limited number of Chick-Fil-A sandwiches. Admission will be $5 for adults and $3 for students. Very limited facilities in the club house, there are porta potties available. Please no spikes in the club house.


Please pass this information on to all parents and spectators:

White Day golf course has limited parking facilities. It is IMPERATIVE that all attending Wednesday's race CAR POOL! There will be security that will assist with parking. In the small lot closest to the club house, there will be room for most of the coaches and some handicap parking. Others will be parked across the road in a roadside park.

There are some wide areas along Rt. 73 where cars can pull off safely, if you do park along the highway, you must be sure to leave a clear access to all roads and driveways! DO NOT BLOCK THEM!

If your team is traveling by bus, they will be able to pull off and unload, then will need to proceed north on 73 to the Smithtown Community Building to park. (Approximately .3 miles north on Rt. 73). Drivers will need to be called to let them know when to return to the golf course.

Vehicles can also go there to park. We suggest that parents drop of runners, go to that area to park and have one vehicle bring the drivers back.

***Also, please review course rules and etiquette with your spectators. The entire course is NOT open for viewing the race. We are blessed to have a generous friendship with White Day Golf Course and hope to continue this relationship. Please ask that spectators stay in the team are above the start and finish. Coaches and teams are allowed to be at the finish. There will be caution tape barriers - please remind spectators behind them.

There will also be containers at the exit for runners and coaches to deposit any safety pins - we will recycle AND it is very important that the pins are not left on the golf course.

Thank you!